Why Is The Online Examination System Important For Schools And Universities?
Whether you agree or not, online education is the future of the 21st century. We probably would not believe this in the pre-covid era but 2020 has brought with it major changes that have forced us to adapt to different ways of learning and teaching. Since the lockdown, so many (almost all) industries have been affected and academia is no different.
If the teaching-learning process has shifted to the online format, surely the assessments also have to shift to the online mode. Due to a computerised assessment and online examination system, there has been a paradigm shift in the way the evaluation is done.
Let us have a look at the importance of the online examination system for schools, colleges and universities.
Fraud free examination process
Because of the computerised online examination system, exams can be made fraud-free. There can be absolute flexibility, clarity and transparency in the examination process. To make it more secure, there could be ways of shuffling the question sequences. Also, in this kind of examination system, there would be no issues or risks of stealing the question paper.
As far as possible, with proper care and the help of technology, the examination process can be made a transparent process.
Online supervision
For online exams too, supervision is very much possible. With the help of the internet, students almost everywhere can appear for exams from their respective places and the supervisors can supervise them in a digital classroom where they would appear for their exam. Online supervision will allow some amount of flexibility and free time for the supervisors. Apart from that, it will also reduce supervision-related paperwork for the supervisors.
Suitable for all kinds of exams
The online exam system is suitable for all kinds of examinations. The assessments, whether they are subjective or objective, can happen online. Group assessments help to identify and select people from group discussions or personal interviews.
Going beyond just objective and subjective assessments, there could be various other assessments that could also be possible online. This will certainly not be possible in the offline setting.
The students can be shown a piece of media and can be asked to identify the process that is happening over there. They could do so depending on their knowledge and expectations of that particular subject. This kind of assessment is more applied in nature and easily possible in an online setting.
Logical and structural ease
The online assessments are logistically and structurally very affordable. There is a little cost that goes into setting up technical support and the digital classroom through an online exam portal like MegaExams. Because of online exams, there would be a reduction in examination costs, resultantly, decreasing examination fees tremendously. The administration can save a lot of money since there is technically no logistical preparation that is needed for online examinations. There is also no cost of stationery that is involved in this exam format.
Apart from this, students can be provided with their admit cards online and the supervisors can supervise the exams easily in the online mode. So, along with money, it also saves a lot of effort for both the administration and the students. Since everything related to the exam will be needed to get computerised for online exams to happen, there would be very fewer issues of errors happening related to physical admit cards, timetables and other things. With the boom of artificial intelligence, these errors can be easily avoided.
Because of online exams, there is also no need for examination centres, which again becomes cost-effective for both the students and the administration.
Result and result analysis
In the online exam system, for objective exams, results can be analyzed by using technological advancements. There could also be an option to analyse results for a larger group. For objective assessment, the results can be analysed there and then after the students exit the online exam portal.
Result analysis for a class or a group of students can be done with the help of artificial intelligence through online exam software. This will minimise efforts for the teachers and also reduce the mistakes that can happen during the manual assessment. Because of result analysis, one can get a fair idea of the performance of the class and then direct their efforts in a particular way.
For subjective assessment, there could be various ways of identifying the keywords or identifying the pointers and getting the answers corrected with the help of artificial intelligence embedded in some online exam software. There could be external software that can be taken aid of too in checking things like plagiarism and grammatical sentence construction.
There are going to be certain drawbacks of this system and they will be more blatant when it is adapted fully. But they will also provide us with opportunities for the betterment of the existing system. 2020 has brought in a major shift in the manner in which certain industries operate; academia is also undergoing this huge change.
To know more about the changes in exams and how online exams will unfold in 2021, visit MegaExams.
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