Why Is The Online Examination System Important For Schools And Universities?
Whether you agree or not, online education is the future of the 21st century. We probably would not believe this in the pre-covid era but 2020 has brought with it major changes that have forced us to adapt to different ways of learning and teaching. Since the lockdown, so many (almost all) industries have been affected and academia is no different. If the teaching-learning process has shifted to the online format, surely the assessments also have to shift to the online mode. Due to a computerised assessment and online examination system, there has been a paradigm shift in the way the evaluation is done. Let us have a look at the importance of the online examination system for schools, colleges and universities. Fraud free examination process Because of the computerised online examination system, exams can be made fraud-free. There can be absolute flexibility, clarity and transparency in the examination process. To make it more secure, there c...