Take Online Exams From Home To Save Student’s Education During A Global Pandemic!

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the entire world. This highly contagious disease has forced entire nations to undergo complete lockdown so that they can try and break the chain of the spread of the virus and contain it to the minimum. This enforced lockdown has thrown life out of gear for the citizens. Many lives have got affected, jobs have vanished, and people have been rendered helpless, forced to stay where they are and stay away from the virus. This pandemic has affected the students the most — depriving them of their basic right to education. Schools, colleges, and other institutions have been closed ever since the first onslaught of the COVID-19 virus, and they have not reopened even since. Students are at home, deprived of education, and waiting for the institutions to open so that they can go back to what they do best — studying. However, as the pandemic continues to spread its vicious web around the world, the reopening of institutions seems highly unl...